ECDF research: Corona/COVID-19

Projects - Initiatives - Publications

How is the Corona pandemic changing our working environment? What impact does it have on our society? These and other questions are currently being addressed by professors at the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF). As an interdisciplinary center for digitization research, we see ourselves as challenged to research the corona pandemic and its effects. We offer an overview of current projects, initiatives, events and publications. The list is updated continuously.




Face masks increase compliance with physical distancing recommendations during the Covid-19 pandemic, Anastasia Danilov, 2021

Auswirkungen der Pandemie zur Haltung der Nutzenden gegenüber Smart Home Geräten, (Impact of the pandemic on user attitudes towards smart home devices) Rita Streblow, SoeSe 2020

“You are not alone" - Chances and challenges of university students’ collaborative engagement when dealing with online information about COVID-19, Elisabeth Mayweg-Paus, Maria Zimmermann & Claudia Lefke, 2020-2021 (Publication in preparation).



"Corona und die Zukunft der Arbeit", (Corona and the Future of Work) Philipp Staab, 3sat, 29. Juni 2020

"Norwegische Tracing-App seit April im Einsatz", ("Norwegian tracing app in use since April") Simula, in Handelskammer Blog, 14. Mai 2020

"ECDF produziert Teile für Corona-Schutzausrüstung", ("ECDF produces parts for corona protection equipment") 12. Mai 2020

"Corona-Apps: Lösung oder Datenalbtraum", ("Corona apps: solution or data nightmare") Ayad Al-Ani, ZDF Volle Kanne, 4. Mai 2020

"Covid-19: en France, Italie, Espagne, Allemagne, comment les médecins s'attaquent á la maladie", ("Covid-19: In France, Italy, Spain, Germany, how doctors are tackling disease.") Felix Balzer, 9. April 2020

"Corona: Die Lage in Österreich", ("Corona: The situation in Austria") Ayad Al-Ani, radioeins rbb, 8. April 2020

"Die Corona-Krise erfordert eine Transformation zu einer krisenfesten Resilienzwirtschaftt", ("The Corona crisis requires a transformation to a crisis-proof resilient economy") Tilman Santarius und Steffen Lange, Ö, 9. April 2020

"Soziologe über die Zeit Corona: Die Leute werden froh sein, wenn sie wieder ins Büro dürfen", ("Sociologist on time Corona: People will be happy to be back in the office") Philipp Staab, Spiegel Online, 2. April 2020

"Weniger Arbeit, weniger Konsum", ("Less work, less consumption") Tilman Santarius und Steffen Lange, ZEIT Online, 2. April 2020

"Gesellschaftlicher Wandel durch Corona", ("Social change through Corona") Ayad Al-Ani, radioeins rbb, 1. April 2020

"Wie die Pandemie das dezentrale Arbeiten voranbringt: In der Coronakrise bewähren sich neue Formen der Arbeit in Berlin", ("How the pandemic is advancing decentralized operations: In the Corona crisis, new forms of work are proving their worth in Berlin") Daniel Fürstenau, Tagesspiegel, 31. März 2020

"Corona-Krise: Wir haben uns als Kantianer geoutet", ("Corona Crisis: We have come out as Kantians") in ZEIT Online, 30. März 2020

"Ein rieseiger Sprung Richtung Digitalisierung", ("A giant leap towards digitalization") Tilman Santarius im Interview, Klimareporter, 29. März 2020

"Corona, Überwachung und der globale Süden: Vertrauen ist besser", ("Corona, surveillance and the global south: trust is better") Ayad Al-Ani, zenith Magazin, 25. März 2020

Hackathon #WirVsVirus Hack, Co V-erage Pitch, Jonathan Hasenburg, 22. März 2020

Anne Will: Die Corona-Krise: Wie drastisch müssen die Maßnahmen werden? (Anne Will: The Corona Crisis: How drastic must the measures be?) (ARD), Claudia Spies, 15. März 2020



#AI4care Datathon: e.g. COVID-related challenges in the field of care for the elderly, Daniel Fürstenau, Felix Biessmann, 23. Juli 2020

ECDF Industry Forum: "Veränderte Arbeitswelt in Zeiten digitaler Transformation & Social Distancing", (ECDF Industry Forum: "Changed working world in times of digital transformation & social distancing) ECDF, 18. Juni 2020

African Makers against COVID, digital roundtable with speakers from makerspaces in Togo, Ghana, Senegal, Nigeria and Cameroon, 29.05.2020, Michelle Christensen, Florian Conradi