Since May 2019, the Digital Council has been supporting the Federal Ministry of Defense (BMVg) in its digital transformation. June 2021 saw the start of the Digital Council's second term of office, which now also includes ECDF professor Lydia Kaiser.
The body consists of eight selected individuals from academia, business, civilians and the Bundeswehr and is constituted for two years. In June of this year, the Digital Council was partially re-staffed. In addition to the scientific expertise from the universities of the Bundeswehr previously present on the Digital Council, expertise from the scientific community outside the Bundeswehr will also be represented in the future. This role has been fulfilled since the middle of the year by Lydia Kaiser, ECDF Professor of Digital Engineering 4.0. "I am looking forward to my new task. The Digital Council brings together diverse views and expertise, which are the best prerequisites for holistic digitization of the Bundeswehr," says Kaiser.
Digitization opens up new opportunities and challenges for the Bundeswehr, and the Digital Council, as an independent body, meets as needed and provides advice. The aim is to have an outside view of the strategic level of the Bundeswehr and to shape the digital transformation. In addition to topics such as digital culture according to Corona, digital sovereignty and data-oriented action, this term will focus on the link between digitization and sustainability.
More information on the BMVG's Digital Council //here