Leading digital companies such as Google, Apple, Amazon and Alibaba are currently increasingly focusing on expansion in the area of enterprise software. Here they not only meet established providers such as SAP or Salesforce, but also a producer universe with their own ideas on data economy, work organization and the distribution of value added. Who will dominate the second half of digital capitalism? Prof. Dr. Philipp Staab and Eva-Maria Nyckel explore this question in their currently published article "Digital Capitalism and Business Software – The Rule of Operating Systems" in "WISO direkt" by Friedrich Ebert Foundation.
Prof. Dr. Philipp Staab is Professor of "Sociology of the Future of Labor" at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin and the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF). Eva-Maria Nyckel is a research assistant at the Department of Sociology of the Future of Work at Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin.
The complete publication is available //here.
(Language: German)