ECDF Professors Michelle Christensen and Florian Conradi will host the symposium "Trans/Feminist Hacking - Spaces, Communities and Practices" at the Einstein Center Digital Future on December 12 - 13. 2019. The event will take place together with Stefanie Wuschitz.
Trans/feminist hacking is a hybrid, nomadic and ever-changing practice embodied through diverse communities – people living continents apart are sharing ideas, concepts, positions and attitudes,
enriching them with their local spirit and historical knowledge.
This symposium gathers reflections, experiences and positions on trans/feminist hackspaces, communities and practices in order to discuss the chances as well as current challenges, detect patterns among groups and to eventually formulate common lines of thought. Within the framework of this gathering, we would like to address questions of how we can articulate these insights, and how we can practice them through art and design, open source development,community building, academia and activism.
12.12.2019 13:00-22:00
13.12.2019 11:00-15:30
Einstein Center Digital Future
Wilhelmstraße 67
10117 Berlin
Language: English
Please register by the December, 10.2019 to: