Prof. Dr. Philipp Staab (ECDF/HU Berlin) will be Heinz Bude's guest on Monday, January 25, 2021, 7:30 to 9 p.m., in the Schaubühne's conversation format "Streit ums Politische" on the topic "The End of Capitalism." The conversation will be livestreamed.
Philipp Staab's thesis is that the large Internet corporations from the United States and China are dividing up the relevant markets in digital capitalism among themselves. They are not monopolists on markets, but owners of markets. Is this the end of the capitalism of competition, discovery and opening, to be transformed into a capitalism of money investors, social engineers and foreign trade warriors?
Philipp Staab is a professor of the "Sociology of the Future of Work" at Humboldt University in Berlin and at the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF). His work addresses issues of technology, work, political economy, and social inequality. In 2019, his book "Digital Capitalism. Market and Domination in the Economy of Scarcity" by Suhrkamp.
Language: German
"Streit ums Politische" is a political discussion series with Heinz Bude at the Schaubühne, which has taken place regularly since the 2011 / 12 season. At the beginning of each new season, one or more guests are invited on four dates to discuss different aspects of the chosen topic.
Heinz Bude was born in Wuppertal in 1954. He has lived in Berlin since 1974 and has been a professor of macrosociology at the University of Kassel since 2000. He is concerned with changes in social inequality and what this means for the self-given nature of contemporary societies. In 2014, "Society of Fear" was published, now in its sixth edition; in 2016, "The Feeling of the World. On the Power of Moods," 2018 "Adorno für Ruinenkinder. A History of 1968," and 2019's "Solidarity. The Future of a Great Idea."