Self-driving cars, robots that operate on the open heart, or software that writes award-winning novels - all this has long been a reality. Man has developed machines that can act more reliably and far-sightedly than he can. But before that, humans have to build the machines and feed them with their own intelligence. So can machines be smarter than humans? And would we even notice?
Artificial intelligence is causing excitement and anxiety in equal measure. While researchers are constantly discovering new possibilities for AI, there are urgent warnings against its misuse. Is artificial intelligence more of a curse or a blessing? Who decides what is allowed and what is not? And where does Germany stand in the global battle for the smartest machines?
This is the topic of the rbb24 Inforadio - Forum on 21.11.2023 in cooperation with the Einstein Center Digital Future Berlin and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence.
- ECDF-Professor Dr. Philipp Staab
- Dr. Aljoscha Burchardt, Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz
- Dr. Tina Klüwer, K.I.E.Z. Artificial Intelligence Entrepreneurship Center, Head of the Department of Technological Sovereignty and Innovations at the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research as of December
Registration will be possible from November 7th onwards //here