Electronic textiles, smart cities, cybercrime, bicycle safety and intelligent control of water networks: The Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF) offers hands-on digitization research for the Long Night of Science on June 15, 2019. Professors present their projects at the Haus der Digitalisierung. Here, scientists from the four Berlin universities, the Charité – Universitätsmedizin and two colleges conduct research. The host institution of the LNDW is the Sprecheruniversität TU Berlin. Time: 7 p.m. - 00 p.m, location: Hasu der Digitalisierung, Einstein Center Digital Future, Wilhelmstraße 67, 10117 Berlin-Mitte. Further information (tickets, etc.) can be found //here.
Offers at the Haus der Digitalisierung
App for more safety in bicycle traffic
The number of female cyclists killed in accidents in Berlin rose in 2018. Prof. Dr. David Bermbach (ECDF/TU Berlin) wants the use of bicycles to become safer. This is why the research project "SimRa – Safety in Cycling" was launched. A smartphone app was developed to collect data on near-accidents. Visitors to the LNDW can try out the app on site and register as a tester.
Build your smart neighborhood
How much energy could be saved in residential areas if batteries, photovoltaic systems and intelligent algorithms were used? Prof. Dr. Sergio Lucia (ECDF/TU Berlin) offers visitors the opportunity to build their own smart neighborhood on a computer and then automatically simulate how energy could be saved while taking real weather data into account.
Intelligent control of water networks
On average, 546,000 cubic metres of drinking water are needed every day in Berlin. How can the control of pumping stations be monitored? Prof. Dr. Andrea Cominola (ECDF/TU Berlin) installs sensors for the LNDW in the laboratory at the TU Berlin - the data is transferred to the ECDF in real time. Visitors will experience how the monitoring and control of pumping stations can function in the future.
Electronic textiles
How can craftsmanship and innovative manufacturing technologies be combined? Prof. Dr. Berit Greinke (ECDF/UdK Berlin) is investigating this question in her research. She is investigating electronic textiles and smart materials as well as their functional and aesthetic applications in wearable technology. At the LNDW she shows first samples of textile pleated sensor technology. Students (4th semester fashion design) have dealt with utopias of digital corporeality and present their designs.
AR-App: CoCube
Bringing different groups of people together – this is made possible by the app "CuCubes" by Cornelius Hutfless, Sophie Marthe and David Potthast: Augmented Reality allows different cultural settings to take place simultaneously in a single room. The prototype for the CuCubes app was developed at the Augmenting Cities Hackathon in ECDF, organized by Prof. Jochen Rabe (ECDF/TU Berlin) and Max Rudolph.
Digital educational artefacts
A plant turns into a musical instrument. The pages of a digital primer can be turned without touching them. A potato becomes a digital clock: Prof. Dr. Daniel Hromada (ECDF/UdK Berlin) shows digital educational artefacts and invites visitors to find and crack hidden codes.
Future Security Lab
Organized crime, opportunities and challenges of digitization, power outages: The Future Security Lab at ECDF presents current security research projects in a clear and innovative way. Interactive scenarios invite you to take part. The project "Future Lab of the Public Security Research Forum" of Freie Universität Berlin is funded by the BMBF. Guided tours of the LNDW run every 30 minutes.
Micro Factory
In the newly established Micro Factory, ECDF scientists are working on models, prototypes and design objects. Laser cutters, 3D printers and styrocutters are used to create city models, interactive objects and networked textiles. At the LNDW, visitors can discover the Micro Factory and experience digitally controlled manufacturing on the laser cutter.