On February 27, the Helmholtz Information & Data Science Academy (HIDA) kicks of its Hackathon at the ECDF. The doctoral researchers of all six Helmholtz Information & Data Science schools come together to work with drone images of thermal leakages in construction. HIDA will provide a baseline computer vision model and their task will be to implement a semantic segmentation pipeline with the aim to improve as much as possible the precision of the 50% intersection-over-union of the thermal bridge bounding boxes.
// Requirements
You should:
- be an advanced AI-researcher with experience in model development, training and optimization
- be familiar working either in Jupyter Hub or on a Linux shell
- optional: have some experience in HPC job submission via batch-systems (SLURM, LSF, etc.)
// Agenda
Tuesday (Feb 27th), 09.30 am - Kick-off session with introductory talks
Thursday (Feb 29th), 4.00 pm - Wrap-up and winner announcement
The detailed agenda can be found here.
Details and Registration: //here