The third Bits & Bäume Forum will take place on April 23, 2020 from 4 - 7 pm at the Einstein Center Digital Future. The topic will be "Open, durable and reparable? Design conditions for sustainable hardware and software"
Digital technologies lead to ever increasing consumption of energy and resources. In addition to the use of technical devices and digital services, the way software is programmed and hardware is materially equipped plays a major role. Software updates, which constantly place new demands on hardware, are an example of why ICT devices are replaced even though the hardware is actually still intact. If the vision of an Internet of Things is pursued further, more and more everyday objects will become dependent on software. How can this be made sustainable? An important step is to think more closely together the material and immaterial basis of digitisation. The 3rd forum Bits & Trees will discuss options for sustainable hardware and software. This is already practiced today in Fab-Labs and Maker-Spaces. In addition, the organizers want to discuss political design approaches such as the "Right to Repair" or a Blue Angel for software.
Language: German
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About the Forum Bits & Bäume
For more than two years, the Forum Bits & Bäume offers an open discussion space in order to focus more on the sustainable design of digitisation and to introduce scientific and civil society issues and demands into the political discourse. The events will be conducted in dialogue formats with active workshop elements in order to develop concrete policy proposals and design options and prepare them for public and political discussion. It is organized by the Junior Research Group "Digitization and Social-Ecological Transformation" of the Institute for Ecological Economy Research (IÖW) and the Technical University of Berlin in cooperation with the Einstein Center Digital Future and other partners. The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the Social-Ecological Research (SÖF) funding priority.