
Use of digital technologies in HR - opportunities and barriers for diversity and gender equality

Why is a diversity strategy important in human resources? What are the challenges and opportunities presented by the use of technology in personnel selection? What about the fairness-privacy dilemma in the context of audits? How are discrimination risks interpreted in the context of HR 4.0 and how can they be surveyed? These questions will be discussed on Sept. 14, 2022, from 1 p.m. to 3:30 p.m. as part of the IFAF Divers-AITecHR research project. ECDF professor Max von Grafenstein will also be participating.



With the digitalization of the world of work, various types of technologies are finding their way into companies and HR processes. Their use is supposed to ensure greater efficiency in the company; however, it has been demonstrated on the basis of individual concrete examples that this can also reproduce or even reinforce existing inequalities. At the same time, some providers promise that the use of their technologies can even lead to more diversity and gender equality.

However, it is difficult to verify how the use of technologies currently available on the market actually affects equality and equal opportunities. It is difficult to analyze tools in terms of their potential for inclusion and exclusion, as this requires personal data on applicants or employees. However, these are subject to a high level of protection, both ethically and legally. In practice, there is currently great uncertainty as to whether and in what form corresponding data can be collected and made accessible for research.



13.00 h | Welcome
Prof. Dr. Aysel Yollu-Tok, Director HTMI

1.05 p.m. | Lecture: Diversity Management and Workplace Co-determination: There's more!
Prof. Dr. Monika Huesmann, HWR Berlin and HTMI

13.20 | Lecture: Discrimination in the mirror of HR 4.0 - a legal research perspective
Prof. Dr. Max von Grafenstein, UdK Berlin & Einstein Center Digital Future

13.35 | Joint discussion

14.05 | Break

14.20 | Lecture: Diversity Monitoring - but how?between discrimination and data protection
Prof. Dr. Helena Mihaljevic, Berlin University of Applied Sciences & Einstein Center Digital Future

2.35 p.m. | Lecture: Empirical Challenges for the Survey of Migration*.
Dr. Cihan Sinanog˘lu, Head of DeZIM Racism Monitoring, DeZIM Institute.

14.50 | Joint discussion

15.20 | Farewell

Moderation: Hanna Völkle, PhD student and research assistant HTMI