The ECDF Woman in Steam Initiative team invites you to the Women in STEAM Initiative launch event at the Einstein Center Digital Future (ECDF).
Initiated by professors and researchers at ECDF, and adding the Arts & Humanities to STEM, we aim to contribute to a shift towards gender equity and diversity within information and communications technology research regionally in Berlin, nationally and internationally. Please find attached more information about this initiative.
To kick-off the initiative and reach out to the diverse and active community in Berlin, we would like to invite you to join us on:
04 February 2020, 18:00 - 20:30
Einstein Center Digital Future
Robert Koch Forum
Wilhelmstraße 67 I 10117 Berlin
Impulse lectures by Prof. Dr. Gesche Joost, Prof. Dr. Corinna Bath and Prof. Dr. Aysel Yollu-Tok
Please register by 21.01.2020 at
ECDF Women in STEAM Team
Berit Greinke (UdK), Elisabeth Mayweg (HU), Helena Mihaljevic (HTW)
Ireti Amojo (FU), Michelle Christensen (TU), Florian Conradi (TU), Maryam Daneshfar (TU), Anastasia Danilov (HU), Kerstin Eisenhut (TU), Rebecca Frank (HU), Setareh Maghsudi (TU), Maria Zimmermann (HU)